Thursday, November 3, 2011

Just a few Halloween Cards

This is a special card to me, My grandma passed away back in July, she was 101. I know right, Wow. A very special grandma. We all loved her dearly. Well she kept every card that anyone ever sent her, so when it was time to go through her condo, we found lots of cards. I came home with box's of cards. I sat one day and went through them all ( cried and laughed at them and how much I miss her already) and I came across this cute little kitty. And I thought it was the cutest thing.. I sent this card to the family member that sent it to her.. Love you Grandma Moritz♥

This one I used my Gypsy to weld the Kitty with the pumpkin. The cart I used was Create a Critter. One of my favorite carts.
Sweet but simple.. I love the bat on the moon.
I love how this one turned out, I saw it on another blog, So I can't take credit for it, Mine is alittle different. But sooo cute, I sent this to my Aunt in Alabama.
And of course, Mary from Cards tv for this little card. Mine is different, but her idea.. Thanks Mary.

Monday, October 24, 2011


Wow, I've been gone forever, it seems that with the warm weather we all have other thing to do, but as soon as it gets cold again.. Hey lets scrapbook... I have lots to post of some things I have done. Stay tuned...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Throwback Thursday with Emma

Here is my entry to the challenge. You had to use the cart Walk in my Garden and have a flower on it. I happened to find this site Splitcoaststampers, and they show you how to do the folded paper frame that I used.. I just love it. Thanks for looking, Kellee

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Peachy Keen Tuesday Sketch Challenge

Peachy Keen Stamps Tuesday Sketch w/ twist Challenge.

Peachy Keen has a guest designer today, Erika from Cricutlove. You have to go check out her blog, I love her style.. So talented.

The sketch challenge is to use momochromatic color scheme. Ok, what is momchromatic ? ( boy did I feel stupid ) Well it is using the same color kinda. So if you pick red, you use red, pink, light pink....and so on.. Ok, I get it... Black and white are still allowed.

  • Design must be new.
  • Must follow sketch w/ twist to be eligible to win prize.
  • Link your Card or Layout to Peach Keen Stamps Mr. Linky by Feb, 7th.

Here is what I did, It turned out ok. ( I guess ) I'm new to stamping and don't have alot of Valentine stamps and I don't have any Peachy Keen stamps :( ! I do plan on getting some soon. I just love them. They work so cute with alot of the cricut carts...

The paper i used was scrap paper. The polka dots is My Minds Eye, and I think the other is SEI. But not sure.. You can't tell it in the photo, but my heart wiggles. I Made my own wiggles from craft wire from walmart. I did another card with it that I will post later, But it turned out really good. And I ink the edges.

Thanks for looking at my blog. I'm still getting use to posting on here and managing my blog without messing it up. Just doing this took me awhile..

xoxo, Kellee

Monday, January 24, 2011

Imagine Cards

Here are a a few cards I made using my Imagine. Mine is broken and being sent back to Provo Craft. The port is broken(they think)it won't upgrade. But the good thing is, is that I got to play with it a bit.

Happy Birthday Robyn @ My Pink Stamper

Happy Birthday Robyn at My Pink Stamper.

Here is my card I did for Robyn's Birthday challange.. Have a great Birthday Robyn..

Stylist Blog Award

Shauna over at Craftee She has awarded me with the "Stylish Blogger Award". Wow, thank you so much Shauna. I visit your blog often and I love it. I am also honored. ♥
Now all she asks is for me to post 8 things about myself and then pass on the Award to 8 other blogger..
Ok to here it goes.
1. I have two daughters, Ashlee 25, Danielle(Danii)19.
2. 2 Grandkids. Yep that's right( I'm 44) Bryce 6 and Kali (mini me)2.
3. I'm not Married(divorced)but have a wonerful boyfriend Scot of ten yrs. He just bought me my imagine !!!!
4. We have five rescue dogs.. yes five.. I scoop alot of poop. lol. Max, Pepper, jackson, Maggie, Sidney.
5. I love to garden.
6. I have recently lost my parents both to strokes. I'm the baby and it has been a difficult 1 1/2 for me. Christmas was really hard this year. Lost my mom and 16 months later lost my Dad. I took care both of them for over 5 yrs, would do it all over again if given the chance. I love you mom and dad.
7. I live in Indiana !!! and Baby it's cold and lots of snow.
8. Like Shauna we have Saturday Wii night with friends. Just Dance is a hoot, I have two left feet but the boys, who said men could dance. lol
Now enough about me, Now I have to pick 8 other bloggers for this award. How to pick just 8, there are so many out there.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Blogger Award

  • Thank you to Paula at Raspberryandlimedesigns
  • for the Blog Award. I'm a little late posting it. Sorry.
  • I am so glad that I happened to find all the wonderful ladys
  • that I have learned so much from.
  • Now the rules are:
  • State three things that make you different from everyone else,
  • and nominate 5 other blogger to receive the "My blog has AttitudeAward"
  • What makes me different. hmmm
  • I have five ( yes five) rescue dogs.
  • I collect blown glass figures. My daughter gets me one every yr for Christmas.
  • I love to ride dirt bikes.
  • I would like to Nominate:
  • Mary at Cardz TV I have learned so much from her video. Thanks Mary
  • Robyn at My Pink Stamper I just love her blog.. always something new.. And she has the cutest kids.. 5 of them..
  • Emma at My Creative Time I would have givin up on my gypsy if it wasn't for her videos.

My Pink Stamper first blog hop.

Here is a card i did for My Pink Stampers
first blog hop.. I had a great time on all her
new Design Teams blogs. Very talented ladys, Go check them out.

So Disappointed, My Imagine was delivered Broken!

I got my Imagine yesturday, there is no Wooo Hooo... It's broken !!!! it won't send the mat back thru to cut, making this gosh awful noise. Of course they are closed for the weekend no tech support till Monday. I'm just so disappointed. Not even sure if I want one now, it just costs so much ( I'm a waitress ) . I'm just soooo sad....

Friday, January 7, 2011

Cricut Imagine.

I'm so excited !!!! I just ordered my Imagine .. Woo Hoo. I got it online from Their prices are amazing. I got it for 399.00. Plus shipping is free on orders over 200.00. That is the best price out there. Plus I got to order a cart to (best friends) for 39.00. Now I just have to wait for it to get here.