Blog Award !I have been awarded the " Cherry on the Top" award by Adrian from By Adrian 4 U. I am very new to card making and blogging but I am so hookedI am also so very honored. Thank you so much Adrian.There are some rules to accepting this award..1. Thank the peraon who gave it to you.... Thank you Adrian .. You inspire me...2. Copy award to your blog.
3. List three things that you love about yourself....I love that I have two wonderful daughters & two grandchildren, I love that I spent the last year everyday with my father before he passed 7/16/10( I love & miss you dad), I love that I have a wonderful man that loves me reguardless of my faults.
4. Post a picture that you love..... can't figure out how to get them to post down here, will post again
5. Pass award on to five others..
Thank you again Adrian.......:)